UK Government Processes and Policies Failed Citizens in COVID-19 Pandemic, Inquiry Finds

London, United Kingdom – A public inquiry has uncovered that the citizens of the UK were let down by their government’s processes, planning, and policies leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report revealed that there were over 235,000 deaths related to COVID-19 in the UK by the end of 2023, highlighting missed opportunities that … Read more

Immigration Policies Under Fire After Maryland Mom’s Tragic Murder

Baltimore, Maryland – The tragic murder of Rachel Morin has stirred debate over U.S. immigration policies following the arrest of Victor Hernandez Martinez, a suspect in her rape and killing. Martinez Hernandez is set to be extradited to Maryland from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he was apprehended. Rachel Morin, a mother of five, was found deceased … Read more

Ethics Complaint Looms for AG Bailey Over Attempted Investigation into Hazelwood DEI Policies

ST. LOUIS, Missouri – The Hazelwood School District is considering filing an ethics complaint against Attorney General Andrew Bailey for his recent attempts to scrutinize their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. Recent events have shed new light on a disturbing altercation that left 16-year-old Kaylee Gain hospitalized with a severe head injury. Prior to … Read more

Violence Erupts: Missouri AG Blames School District’s “Race-Based Policies”

St. Louis, Missouri – Following the circulation of a disturbing video depicting a Black female student attacking a white female student off school premises, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey attributed the incident to the school district’s emphasis on “race-based policies.” Reports indicated that 16-year-old Kaylee Gain sustained severe injuries, including a skull fracture and brain … Read more

Immigration Policies Under Fire Following Suspect’s Arrest in Laken Riley Murder Case

Atlanta, Georgia – Following a press briefing by University of Georgia Police Chief Jeffrey Clark on Friday, it was revealed that the suspect in the murder of Laken Riley was not a U.S. citizen. This news quickly sparked controversy among Georgia politicians, who criticized federal immigration policies as contributing to the tragic event. Georgia Rep. … Read more

Congress Grapples with Key Policies in Latest Debate

Washington, DC – In the realm of political journalism, Politico has built a strong presence. With a focus on delivering news related to national politics and policy, the website offers a comprehensive array of content. From breaking news alerts to in-depth analysis, Politico covers a wide range of topics, making it a go-to source for … Read more

Angel Mom’s Warning: Soft-on-Crime Policies of NYC Lead to Release of Migrants Involved in Brutal NYPD Attack

NEW YORK CITY, NY – A mother who has tragically lost her son to a drunk-driving crash caused by an illegal immigrant is speaking out against the release of violent migrants who attacked New York City police officers. Mary Ann Mendoza, an Angel Mom, expressed her frustration with what she sees as lenient policies towards … Read more

Immigration Failures Continue to Paralyze our Courts Under Biden

Biden has failed to protect our borders. Despite Gov. Cruz’s efforts to bring the problem to his doorstep, the fact remains that the President has failed to address the issue. Not only are illegal migrants crossing our borders, but they are straining our courts and the immigration system itself.