UK Government Processes and Policies Failed Citizens in COVID-19 Pandemic, Inquiry Finds

London, United Kingdom – A public inquiry has uncovered that the citizens of the UK were let down by their government’s processes, planning, and policies leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report revealed that there were over 235,000 deaths related to COVID-19 in the UK by the end of 2023, highlighting missed opportunities that … Read more

Singapore Ministry of Health Debunks Opposition Party’s False Claims on Covid-19 Vaccination

Singapore’s Health Ministry has dismissed claims made by an opposition party calling for the suspension of Covid-19 vaccinations due to alleged high rates of severe side effects. The People’s Power Party drew connections between vaccination rates and excess deaths, citing studies by medical experts, prompting a response from the ministry refuting these allegations. According to … Read more

CDC Report Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Ignored: Victims Demand Justice

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence suggesting that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines might have caused multiple deaths, despite previously denying any link between the vaccines and fatalities. This revelation has raised concerns about the safety of the vaccines and the transparency of health authorities. … Read more

Uncounted COVID-19 Deaths Misattributed to Natural Causes, New Study Reveals

Boston, MA – A recent study conducted by the School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania sheds light on the true impact of COVID-19 on excess mortality rates in the United States. The study, published in the journal PNAS, reveals that many deaths attributed to natural causes were actually uncounted COVID-19 deaths. With … Read more

Uncounted COVID-19 Deaths Discovered in Excess Natural-Cause Mortality Study

Boston, Massachusetts – A groundbreaking study led by Boston University School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania has shed light on the significant undercounting of COVID-19-related deaths in the United States. The study, published in the journal PNAS, provides compelling evidence that many excess mortality rates previously attributed to natural causes were, in … Read more

Wisconsin Data Reveals Impact of COVID-19 on State Health

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has released new data regarding the impact of COVID-19 in the state. The latest figures show a concerning rise in the number of cases, putting a strain on the healthcare system. According to the data, there has been a significant increase in the positivity rate, indicating … Read more

COVID-19: Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S., Immunity Through Vaccination Key to Prevention

Los Angeles, California – The impact of COVID-19 on young adults cannot be understated, as recent data from the CDC shows that in 2020, 1.6% of deaths in the 20-24 age group were related to the virus. The statistics reveal a sobering reality for this demographic, highlighting the importance of vaccination and preventive measures in … Read more

Misinformation about COVID-19 Vaccines Continues to Proliferate, Impacting Public Health

Los Angeles, California – Memories of life before the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic linger in the minds of many, from festive spring break parties to the lively celebrations of Mardi Gras. As the world grappled with the sudden shift brought on by COVID-19, misinformation began to spread rapidly, fueled by fears and uncertainties … Read more

Study: Undetected COVID-19 Deaths Seen in Excess Mortality Rates of Chronic Illnesses and Natural Causes

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – A new study led by researchers at the School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania reveals groundbreaking findings about the true impact of COVID-19 on excess mortality rates in the United States. The study, published in the journal PNAS, provides concrete data showing that many uncounted excess deaths were actually … Read more

Tragic Mystery Death in San Jose Reveals Early Covid-19 Fatality

San Jose, California – Patricia Cabello Dowd, a 57-year-old manager at a Silicon Valley semiconductor firm, passed away in her kitchen almost three weeks before the first reported cases of Covid-19 in the United States. Despite being previously healthy, Dowd had experienced flu-like symptoms and body aches before her sudden death, leaving her family in … Read more