Excess deaths possibly linked to Covid vaccine side effects: new report reveals

London, England – A recent study suggests that potential side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine may have had an unexpected consequence of driving up excess deaths in certain populations. Researchers based their findings on data from various countries, noting a concerning increase in mortality rates post-vaccination. The study, which analyzed data from multiple countries, raised … Read more

COVIESHIELD Vaccine Deaths Spark Legal Battle and Investigation

In Mumbai, India, the year 2020 brought about a global frenzy as the pandemic claimed the lives of many, leaving families grappling with the trauma of loss. The uncertainty of what each moment may bring triggered panic and anxiety worldwide. In response to the crisis, urgent efforts were made to develop vaccines to combat the … Read more

Vaccine Maker Faces Legal Action from Bereaved Parents of Covishield Recipient Karunya

Chennai, India – The parents of Karunya, a young woman who tragically passed away in 2021 after receiving the Covishield vaccine, are pursuing legal action against AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India. Venugopalan Govindan, the grieving father, has expressed profound grief over the loss of his daughter and has pointed fingers at various parties for … Read more

CDC Report Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Ignored: Victims Demand Justice

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence suggesting that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines might have caused multiple deaths, despite previously denying any link between the vaccines and fatalities. This revelation has raised concerns about the safety of the vaccines and the transparency of health authorities. … Read more

New Mexico Sees Elevated Flu Levels Despite Success of Nationwide Vaccine Campaign

Albuquerque, New Mexico – Despite the positive impact of flu vaccines in reducing nationwide hospital visits, New Mexico continues to face elevated levels of influenza-like illness, as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s data highlights the significant role that flu vaccines play in lowering the burden on healthcare … Read more

Billion-Person Death Toll Debunked: Fact-Check Reveals Actual Numbers Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Dallas, Texas – A video circulating on Facebook claims that a billion people have died since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The video, posted by The People’s Voice, presents the alarming statistic of a significant decline in the global population since 2021, with on-screen text stating “Global population reduced by 1 billion since 2021 − Media … Read more