Billion-Person Death Toll Debunked: Fact-Check Reveals Actual Numbers Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Dallas, Texas – A video circulating on Facebook claims that a billion people have died since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The video, posted by The People’s Voice, presents the alarming statistic of a significant decline in the global population since 2021, with on-screen text stating “Global population reduced by 1 billion since 2021 − Media Blackout.” The post’s caption reiterates the claim, attributing these deaths to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

However, according to United Nations data and mortality projections, fewer than 260 million people have died globally from all causes since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in late 2020. The video was posted by a website known for frequently publishing fabricated stories, casting doubt on the credibility of the claim.

The Earth’s population is approximately eight billion people, indicating that if the claim in the post were true, roughly one in eight people would have died since late 2020 when the COVID-19 vaccine rollout began. Yet, U.N. data shows that about 60 to 70 million people have died annually from all causes in recent years, with a projected total of 260 million deaths since the COVID-19 vaccines became available.

Despite the widespread dissemination of the video, only around 7 million deaths from COVID-19 have been reported to the World Health Organization as of November 2. This starkly contrasts the claim that a billion people have died from being “poisoned” since the vaccine rollout.

The People’s Voice, previously known as NewsPunch, has a history of repeatedly publishing fabricated stories, including many that have been debunked by fact-checkers. The alarming claim of a billion deaths has been refuted by multiple reputable sources and undermines the critical effort to combat misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, the claim that a billion people have died since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is unequivocally false, and its circulation only serves to perpetuate misinformation and fear. With the overwhelming evidence contradicting this claim, it is vital to critically assess the information we encounter and rely on credible sources for accurate and reliable information.