Resistance in Sheikh Maqsoud: People Defend Neighborhood Against Violent Mercenary Attack

ALEPPO, SYRIA – In February 2016, following the anniversary of an international conspiracy against leader Abdullah Ocalan, a fierce attack was launched on the Tal Rifaat district in Aleppo. The neighborhood residents, known for their courage, bravely defended their homes and community against the onslaught of mercenary groups supported by the Turkish occupation state.

Despite facing heavily armed attackers, including the use of internationally banned chemical weapons, the residents managed to fend off the assault. Tragically, hundreds of neighborhood residents lost their lives and many more were injured. The neighborhood council reported that approximately 2,600 homes and shops were destroyed in the attack.

The people of the neighborhood, who had a deep connection with leader Abdullah Ocalan during his time in Syria, united in defense of their community. With the Democratic Society Movement calling for a general mobilization in Sheikh Maqsoud, residents rallied to join the People’s Protection Units and the Women’s Protection Units, creating a formidable defense against the mercenaries.

Women played a vital role in the resistance, following the example of martyr Kulah Salmo. They not only fought on the frontlines but also tended to the wounded and provided food for the fighters. The resistance in Sheikh Maqsoud was a joint effort, with both Kurdish and Arab residents actively participating. The martyrdom of Dr. Shahid Al-Jumayan, the only surgeon in the neighborhood, exemplified the unity of Kurds and Arabs in the face of adversity.

One of the fighters, Abu Yazan, reflected on the early days of the People’s Protection Units, emphasizing the collective determination for self-defense and the protection of their community. Drawing inspiration from leader Abdullah Ocalan’s principles, the fighters vowed to carry on the resistance until achieving physical freedom for Ocalan and the liberation of all occupied areas from the Turkish occupation state.

The spirit of resilience and solidarity exhibited in Sheikh Maqsoud serves as a testament to the unwavering determination of its people in the face of adversity.