Arson Target: Vancouver Synagogue Doors Set Ablaze in Antisemitic Attack

Vancouver, British Columbia – A disturbing incident unfolded at the Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Oak Street, leaving members of the Jewish community shaken. After services around 9:20 p.m. on Thursday, a passerby alerted synagogue-goers to a fire that had been set on the front doors of the building. According to Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt, the fire … Read more

Arson Attack on Vancouver Synagogue Investigated as Hate Crime

VANCOUVER, Canada – Following a terrifying incident at the Schara Tzedeck synagogue, Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt recounted how a passerby alerted the congregation to a fire outside of their building after services on Thursday night. Vancouver police are now investigating the incident as arson and a potential hate crime, stating that the fire was intentionally set … Read more

Arson Attack Targets Vancouver Synagogue on Oak Street; Prime Minister Trudeau Denounces Antisemitism

Vancouver, Canada – A disturbing arson attack targeted the Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Oak Street in Vancouver, Canada. The incident took place late Thursday night after services had concluded, with individuals inside the synagogue hearing a loud noise outside. The building was set on fire by an individual who poured fuel on the front doors, … Read more

Arson Attack on Vancouver’s Schara Tzedeck Synagogue Linked to Hate Crime

Vancouver, British Columbia – The Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Vancouver’s Oak Street was the target of an arson attack, leaving the building’s front doors charred. Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt recounted that the incident occurred late at night, with worshipers inside the synagogue when they heard a loud noise outside. It wasn’t until a passerby alerted them … Read more

Arson Attack on Vancouver Synagogue Investigated as Possible Hate Crime

VANCOUVER, Canada – A shocking incident of arson at Vancouver’s Schara Tzedeck synagogue has put the local Jewish community on edge. The attack, which is being investigated as a possible hate crime, occurred Thursday night after services had concluded. According to Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt, a passerby alerted the congregation to the fire outside, prompting a … Read more