Booby-Trapped Palestinian Resistance Fighters Defend Al-Shujaiya Against Onslaught

Gaza City, Palestine – Palestinian Resistance fighters in al-Shujaiya are putting up a fierce defense against an ongoing onslaught in the neighborhood. The fighters have strategically booby-trapped several areas, including setting up improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and minefields along routes expected to be used by the invading forces. Renewed attacks into al-Shujaiya have been met … Read more

Israeli Aggression Leaves 17 Palestinians Dead in Gaza Strip Onslaught

RAMALLAH, June 18 (KUNA) – The conflict in the Gaza Strip has intensified, with reports of 17 Palestinians killed and many more injured in the latest wave of Israeli aggression. The violence has resulted in significant casualties, with families being targeted in their homes and businesses. According to local sources, the Israeli airstrike targeted a … Read more