Oversight Fails: Prostitute Found Teaching Sex-Ed

GODLEY, TX – A woman with a history of prostitution convictions was recently removed from several roles within the Godley Independent School District (ISD), including a position on the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) responsible for making recommendations on age-appropriate sex education materials. The woman, Ashley Ketcherside, was also found to be advertising her services as an escort online.

Ketcherside’s roles within the district extended beyond the SHAC. She was also a Long-Range Facility Planning Committee member, appointed by Godley ISD Superintendent Rich Dear. Additionally, she volunteered on the Family and Community Engagement Committee, Parent Teacher Organization, and Godley Athletic Booster Club.

The discovery of Ketcherside’s past and current activities raised significant concerns about the district’s background check processes. Godley ISD School Board trustee Kayla Lain admitted they were unaware of Ketcherside’s personal life, describing her as “very friendly and personable.”

Mary Lowe, a Families Engaged for Effective Education member, expressed concern about Ketcherside’s involvement in recommending “appropriate grade levels and methods for human sexuality instruction.” She questioned the appropriateness of a convicted prostitute holding such a position, stating, “I don’t see any community wanting that to be the standard for their school district.”

Parents grew suspicious of Ketcherside after she claimed to own multiple businesses, which could not be verified. An investigation led by parents revealed that an email address associated with Ketcherside matched one used by “Lola Brea” on an escort site. Court records confirmed that Ketcherside, born Ashley Villalobos, had prostitution convictions in 2012 and 2016.

Godley ISD removed Ketcherside from all district committees and volunteer roles in response to the findings. The district confirmed they were required when asked about background checks for such positions. Still, it stated that they would not knowingly allow anyone with certain criminal convictions to work or volunteer within the district.

Lowe pointed out that Ketcherside’s convictions would not appear on a background check as they were misdemeanors. She called for a review of screening processes at both the state and local levels, emphasizing that the issue was not about prostitution but rather about oversight within the school district.