Murdered 13-Year-Old’s Family Calls Out Lack of Justice in Court System

Omaha, Nebraska – The family of a 13-year-old murder victim is expressing frustration and disbelief at the lack of justice they feel has been served in the case. Lenny Rodriguez, described as a loving and caring eighth-grader, lost his life in a tragic shooting incident at Hanscom Park in September 2022. Two 13-year-olds were arrested for the murder, but due to their age, they were processed through the juvenile court system in Nebraska, which focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

In the aftermath of the incident, one of the teens involved was placed in a group home environment, with expectations to remain there until the age of 19. The other individual was placed in an Omaha nonprofit organization that provides treatment while keeping young people connected to their families and communities. Recently, the mother of one of the 13-year-olds received a one-year prison sentence for disposing of the gun used in Lenny’s murder, marking the first real consequence in connection to his death.

The family of Lenny Rodriguez is critical of Nebraska’s system for handling juvenile offenders who commit serious crimes like murder. They believe that there is a lack of a concrete plan for rehabilitating young offenders, leaving victims’ families feeling let down by the justice system. Despite their efforts to seek justice for Lenny, they express frustration at the perceived lack of accountability among those responsible for his death.

At 15 years old, Lenny Rodriguez should have been experiencing life’s milestones; however, his family mourns the fact that his life was cut short while those responsible for his death continue theirs seemingly unaffected. They highlight the lack of remorse shown by those involved, further deepening the pain and sense of injustice felt by the family and community at large.

As they continue to grapple with their loss, the family of Lenny Rodriguez remains steadfast in their call for accountability and a more effective system for addressing juvenile offenders who commit serious crimes. The memory of Lenny, described as a kind and loving individual, lives on in the hearts of those who knew him, as they strive to ensure that his tragic death brings about meaningful change.