Deaths of Beloved Animals at Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Raise Concerns About Animal Welfare

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA – The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium is facing a series of recent animal deaths that have stirred emotions among staff members, the organization disclosed at a news conference held on Monday.

Dr. Jeremy Goodman, the zoo’s president and CEO, expressed the deep sadness felt by the staff following the loss of five cherished and charismatic animals. The somber atmosphere has not only affected the zoo but also extended to their International Conservation Center in Somerset County.

Acknowledging the profound impact of these losses on the staff, Goodman emphasized their commitment to prioritize the well-being of the animals under their care. In light of the situation, the zoo has taken steps to provide support, including bringing in grief counselors for the employees who remain dedicated to the welfare of the animals.

The zoo has reported an annual loss of 15 to 25 mammals, given the extensive population of over 8,000 animals within its facilities. Despite the recent string of deaths, zoo leadership remains dedicated to upholding excellence in animal welfare and fostering transparency with the board, staff, and the local community.

Emphasizing the parallels between zoo life and human life, Dr. Goodman underscored the importance of sharing both celebratory and sorrowful moments with the public. The organization aims to provide full disclosure regarding the circumstances surrounding the animals’ passing, a departure from their previous practices of solely announcing births and milestones.

Regarding the recent cluster of animal deaths, Dr. Goodman clarified that while the incidents are uncommon, they are unrelated. The zoo experienced losses of geriatric animals, highlighting the vulnerabilities associated with age in the animal kingdom. Furthermore, the unique medical needs of exotic animals, such as anesthesia procedures, sometimes pose inherent risks despite adherence to safety protocols.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s journey to regaining accreditation with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is unaffected by the recent losses, according to AZA officials. The organization remains committed to transparency and ensuring that visitors understand the dedication and compassion of the staff for every animal in their care.

Despite the challenges presented by these recent losses, the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium continues its mission to provide exceptional care for its diverse wildlife population while upholding the highest standards of animal welfare.