Convicted Death Row Inmate Seeks Federal Court Review of U.S. Bank Killings Convictions

NORFOLK, Nebraska – Death-row inmate Jorge Galindo is seeking to overturn his convictions and sentence for his involvement in the U.S. Bank killings in Norfolk back in 2002. This comes after an unsuccessful attempt to have his case reheard by the Nebraska Supreme Court, following a split decision last year affirming the denial of Galindo’s post-conviction relief without a hearing.

Galindo, along with two others, was handed the death penalty for the murder of five people during a failed bank robbery in 2002. The five victims were Lola Elwood, Lisa Bryant, Jo Mausbach, Samuel Sun, and Evonne Tuttle. Despite the heinous crime, the perpetrators left the bank empty-handed. All three men were convicted and subsequently landed on death row.

In 2019, Galindo filed a motion for post-conviction relief, citing claims of prosecutorial misconduct and ineffective assistance of counsel. Although the Nebraska Supreme Court heard oral arguments, Galindo’s attorney, Adam Sipple, emphasized that the focus was not on challenging the underlying convictions, but rather on the need for a hearing to investigate allegations against the county attorney.

The majority of the court held that even if Galindo’s claims were proven true, they would only amount to harmless error. However, Justice Jonathan Papik dissented, stating that an evidentiary hearing should be granted to further examine the claims against the county attorney.

Galindo is now seeking federal review, with his legal team filing a 375-page petition for a writ of habeas corpus, presenting a total of 37 claims.

In light of these developments, the case of Jorge Galindo continues to unfold as he fights to overturn his death sentences based on serious allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and other issues raised in his appeal.