Chemical Storage Explosion at Closed Alloy Factory in Maharashtra, India Leaves 5 Dead and Several Injured

ALANDI, Maharashtra – A massive explosion and fire occurred at a chemical storage on the premises of a closed alloy factory in Solu village near Alandi, Maharashtra, India. The blast, which happened around 5pm on Friday, injured many people near the site as well as those passing by at the time.

The death toll at the closed alloy factory reached five on Sunday. Police said the total number of injured in the incident is now 18, with at least five of them undergoing treatment. Initially, the blast was believed to be caused by a power distribution transformer, but it was later revealed to be the result of chemicals stored on the premises of the alloy manufacturing factory. Officials also mentioned that the factory was closed a few years ago and is currently facing insolvency proceedings before the National Company Law Tribunal.

“With the death of a 50-year-old person on Sunday morning, the toll in the explosion has reached five. The information gathered till now suggests that at least 18 people were injured in the accident, with five of them currently being treated for burn injuries at Sassoon General Hospital and a private hospital,” said an officer from Alandi police station according to local news.

The owner of the factory and an insolvency practitioner, who is looking after the proceedings against the company and holds the custody of the property, have been booked by the police. The incident has raised questions about the safety regulations and oversight of closed industrial facilities, prompting discussions about the potential risks posed by abandoned industrial sites.

Authorities are continuing their investigation to determine the cause of the explosion and fire, as well as to assess the potential environmental impact of the release of chemicals into the surrounding area. Concerns about the impact on the surrounding community and the need for stricter regulations to prevent such incidents in the future have also been brought into focus. The tragic event has underscored the importance of proper maintenance and monitoring of closed industrial facilities to prevent potential hazards and protect the well-being of the community.