Assaulting Libyan man sentenced to five years for violent attack in Marsa

Valletta, Malta – A 34-year-old man from Libya, Khaled Eddali, has been sentenced to five years in prison for a violent assault that occurred in Marsa in 2021. Eddali, who does not have a fixed address, faced charges of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm, aggravated theft, and grievously injuring a third party. He pleaded not guilty to the accusations.

The incident unfolded when Eddali reportedly attacked a Syrian man with a meter-long metal bar, resulting in the victim spending several days in the hospital. The victim sustained injuries to his head, arms, and legs during the assault, during which his mobile phone and around €60 in cash were allegedly taken.

Testifying in court, the victim described being outside a garage on Triq is-Serkin, which he shared with two others, when Eddali arrived. The attack took place inside the garage, with the victim expressing confusion about the motive behind the violent outburst.

Following the trial, Eddali was found guilty of severely injuring the Syrian man, but acquitted of the other charges. The court emphasized Eddali’s history of criminal behavior and lack of remorse, noting that despite previous time served in prison, he had not reformed his ways.

The judge sentenced Eddali to five years in jail, with credit for time spent in pretrial detention. Additionally, Eddali was ordered to pay court expenses of €1,547.27 within six months and refrain from contacting the victim, backed by a €1,000 personal guarantee. The court also directed authorities to assess Eddali’s immigration status and consider deportation upon completion of his sentence due to his criminal past.

Addressing the case, Magistrate Monica Vella underscored the seriousness of Eddali’s criminal record and the need for appropriate measures to prevent further harm to society. Prosecutors, led by AG lawyers Etienne Savona and Darlene Grima, along with inspector Roderick Attard, played pivotal roles in presenting the case against Eddali.