Arson Attack on Vancouver’s Schara Tzedeck Synagogue Linked to Hate Crime

Vancouver, British Columbia – The Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Vancouver’s Oak Street was the target of an arson attack, leaving the building’s front doors charred. Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt recounted that the incident occurred late at night, with worshipers inside the synagogue when they heard a loud noise outside. It wasn’t until a passerby alerted them of the fire that they realized the severity of the situation.

Authorities believe that an individual deliberately poured fuel on the front doors of the synagogue and set them on fire, causing minimal damage. The Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver condemned the act as a blatant display of antisemitism, echoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s sentiments.

The Vancouver Police Department is treating the arson as a potential hate crime and has increased patrols around Jewish community centers as a precautionary measure. Const. Tania Visintin emphasized the importance of identifying the perpetrator and ensuring the safety of the community amid rising concerns of targeted violence.

Rosenblatt expressed shock at the brazenness of the attack, noting that the incident symbolizes a concerning trend in the treatment of Jewish individuals in Canada. This comes in the wake of similar incidents in Montreal and Toronto, where Jewish schools were found riddled with bullet holes.

Politicians, including Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, have called for stricter measures to combat antisemitic attacks, urging for changes to the Criminal Code to provide greater protection for Jewish gathering places. Housefather proposed the creation of safe zones around schools and places of worship to deter future incidents of violence.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center also condemned the attack, calling it the third such incident in Canada within a week. With tensions on the rise following events in Israel, there is a growing concern for the safety of Jewish communities across the country. Leaders and officials have reiterated the need to stand against hate and violence, urging swift action to address the root causes of antisemitism.