The Dara district in the North Shewa Zone of the Oromia region recently experienced a violent attack that resulted in the tragic loss of 18 lives and injuries to six others. The attack, allegedly carried out by “Fano militants,” began on December 24, 2023, and lasted for two days. The militants are said to have infiltrated the area from neighboring districts and towns.
According to local residents, the assailants, armed with substantial weaponry, targeted several villages within the district, including Ilu Goda Chafe, Denu Wobenso, Godima Sosorka, and Karraa MitiKora. The violence resulted in the deaths of 11 individuals in the village of Godima Sosorka and seven in the village of Kara Mitikora. Additionally, approximately six people sustained severe injuries and are currently receiving medical treatment at Dara Hospital.
The attacks have also had a wider impact on the community, with the presence of militant factions leading to the closure of educational facilities in 10 out of the district’s 41 villages. All schools in these villages, except for the district administration center, have ceased operations. Furthermore, the ongoing security challenges have disrupted normal life in the district, causing significant distress among the residents.
Efforts to obtain a response from officials of Dara district have so far been unsuccessful, leaving many questions unanswered about the motives behind the attacks and the steps being taken to address the security situation. The impact of the violence on the affected communities, including the loss of lives, injuries, and disruptions to daily life, is a cause for deep concern.
The violent attack in the Dara district has resulted in significant loss of life and disruption to the community. The presence of militant factions has not only led to casualties but also the closure of educational facilities, causing further distress to the residents. As the situation unfolds, there is a pressing need for effective measures to ensure the safety and security of the affected areas.