Violence Escalates in Edo State as Gunmen Target Oil Workers and Security Forces

Benin City, Nigeria – The recent surge in violence in the Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State has raised concerns after the killing of three workers from the Okomu Oil Palm Company PLC and a community member, along with a violent attack on soldiers in the region. The escalating conflicts, which have resulted in fatalities, injuries, and displacement of residents in various communities, are unsettling as the state approaches the upcoming September 21 gubernatorial election.

On June 7, the situation in the troubled area took a disturbing turn when three soldiers stationed in the region were ambushed in their gunboats, sustaining injuries and necessitating treatment at the Military Hospital in Benin. The attack on military personnel in Edo raises alarm, especially in light of recent events in neighboring Delta State, where 20 soldiers were killed in an ambush, leading to repercussions for the community.

The initial violence in Edo began on May 6 with the tragic killing of three Okomu Oil Palm Company PLC workers while on duty. Despite initial suspicions pointing towards community involvement in the attack, the company’s Public Relations officer clarified that the perpetrators were unknown. The state Commissioner of Police confirmed the deaths and pledged additional police deployment to prevent further incidents.

Despite efforts to address the security concerns, the attacks persisted, culminating in another fatal incident on May 12 that claimed the life of a resident and left several others injured in Marioghionoba Community. Perpetrators left behind an unsigned letter demanding shares in Okomu Oil and representation on the company board, sparking tensions and further violence in the area.

In response to the ongoing turmoil, the Edo State Government and law enforcement authorities have vowed to crack down on criminal elements, including cultists and problematic youth leaders. The need for dialogue and a holistic approach to addressing the underlying issues beyond the violence is emphasized by community leaders and stakeholders, urging for peaceful resolutions to the conflict.

The underlying causes of the clashes, including disputes over land, resources, and historical marginalization, underscore the complex dynamics fueling the violence in the region. Efforts to resolve the conflict and restore peace require a multi-faceted approach involving community engagement, governance reforms, and sustainable development initiatives. As the situation continues to unfold, stakeholders must work together to find lasting solutions that address the root causes of the violence and promote reconciliation among affected parties.