Port St. Lucie, Florida – A tragic incident unfolded in West Palm Beach as a Port St. Lucie teacher, identified as Jamie Felix, was fatally shot by her estranged husband, Ray Felix, before he took his own life, police reported on Friday. The 45-year-old teacher was found deceased in a motel parking lot, with her estranged husband’s lifeless body discovered outside a rental car facility shortly after.
Law enforcement officers from Port St. Lucie and West Palm Beach are collaborating on the investigation into the murder-suicide. Jamie Felix was a dedicated educator at Manatee Academy K-8 School, where colleagues and students are mourning her untimely passing.
Preliminary reports reveal that prior to the tragic event, Jamie’s coworkers raised concerns about a concerning email sent by her. Detectives later determined that Ray Felix forced her to send the email, indicating a troubled dynamic between the estranged couple.
The heartbreaking situation escalated as Ray Felix allegedly coerced their two children, ages 10 and 17, to accompany him in a rental vehicle while he confronted Jamie at gunpoint about their divorce. Following the fatal shooting, he abandoned the children with their mother and proceeded to end his own life at a nearby rental facility.
The St. Lucie Schools community expressed profound grief over Jamie Felix’s death, emphasizing her impact as a beloved teacher at Manatee K8. The school district pledged to provide support and counseling services for students and staff affected by her tragic loss, highlighting Jamie’s dedication and positive influence on the school community.