Security Negligence Leads to Violent Attack on High School Basketball Team, Lawsuit Claims

Charleston, South Carolina – The family of a student from Ashley Ridge High School has filed a lawsuit against Charleston County School District, Dorchester County School District Two, and Event Staff Services following an incident at a basketball game. The lawsuit alleges that during a game at Stall High School on January 24, 2023, the student and her teammates were violently attacked by students from Stall High School.

Prior to the game, both Charleston County School District and Dorchester County School District Two were reportedly aware of potential risks of violence, fights, and security issues at the event. In response to these concerns, Event Staff Services was contracted to provide security at Stall High School during the basketball game, as stated in the lawsuit.

According to court documents, the lack of adequate security measures to address foreseeable risks became evident during the incident. The lawsuit further claims that on the day of the game, Event Staff Services were absent at the venue, leaving the student and her teammates vulnerable to the violent attack by Stall students.

The lawsuit alleges that due to the complete absence of security, the attack intensified, resulting in the student sustaining serious injuries and incurring significant medical expenses. It accuses Charleston County School District of negligence for failing to secure the premises adequately for the game, while also claiming that Dorchester County School District Two did not adequately supervise and protect the student and other players.

In response to the lawsuit, Dorchester County School District Two declined to comment on ongoing litigation. Meanwhile, the Charleston County School District has stated that their legal counsel is currently reviewing the lawsuit and may provide further comments on the matter in the future if deemed necessary.

The family’s lawsuit seeks accountability from the school districts and Event Staff Services for the alleged lack of security measures that led to the student’s injuries. It highlights the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of students participating in school events, emphasizing the need for adequate security protocols to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.