Remembrance Day Proclaimed in Smith County for New London School Explosion

TYLER, Texas – The memory of the tragic London School explosion that claimed almost 300 lives on March 18, 1937, in New London, Texas, continues to resonate across the nation, becoming a significant piece of East Texas history. In an effort to ensure that the impact of this disaster is everlasting, officials in Smith County have designated March 18, 2024, as New London School Remembrance Day.

During a recent session of the Smith County Commissioners Court, Pct. 2 Commissioner John Moore presented the proclamation, emphasizing the importance of honoring the lives lost in the tragedy. Moore expressed his concerns about the fear that the families of the survivors may have that their loved ones and the losses they endured will be forgotten over time.

Jean Davidson, an alumna of New London School, highlighted the significance of the event in 1937, noting that despite other historic occurrences like the Hindenburg explosion and Amelia Earhart’s disappearance, the London School explosion is often overlooked. Davidson hopes that the proclamation will bring more awareness to the story and encourage community involvement in remembering this somber chapter of Texas history.

Moore also touched upon the lasting impact of the New London tragedy, mentioning how safety measures, such as adding an odor to natural gas, were implemented as a result of the disaster. He stressed the importance of keeping the memory alive by observing the anniversary of the tragedy annually, ensuring that those affected are never forgotten.

The proclamation aims to not only commemorate the lives lost in the London School explosion but also to educate future generations about the significance of this event in shaping safety protocols and the community’s collective memory. The efforts to preserve this piece of history reflect the resilience and unity of the New London community in the face of tragedy, ensuring that the impact of the past continues to resonate in the present and future.