Perth Immigration Detainee Faces Charges for Violent Home Invasion

Perth, Australia – Majid Jamshidi Doukoshkan, an immigration detainee, who was released from Yongah Hill Detention Centre, faces a series of charges following his release. The detainee, allowed to leave detention due to a High Court ruling, has appeared in court for breaching curfew conditions, drug offenses, and an alleged violent home invasion of an elderly couple.

Since his release, Jamshidi Doukoshkan has been in court multiple times for various offenses, including driving with methamphetamine in his system. Authorities arrested him on April 28 for the alleged attack on Ninette and Philip Simons in their Girrawheen home, causing Mrs. Simons to be hospitalized due to severe injuries.

Despite facing charges, the detainee was bailed out in the days leading up to the attack on the Simons, after previously being in court for curfew breaches and other offenses. The string of events has led to legal challenges and court appearances for Jamshidi Doukoshkan, who remains in custody following the violent incident.

In February, he faced court for curfew breaches, bail was granted, and later revoked due to administrative errors. Additionally, a court order requiring him to stay at a fixed address was lifted in March, only to be arrested again shortly before the alleged attack.

The attack on the Simons involved individuals posing as police officers, assaulting the elderly couple, and stealing valuable items from their home. Three other individuals were also arrested in connection to the incident, scheduled to appear in court alongside Jamshidi Doukoshkan on July 22 in Perth.

As the legal proceedings continue, Jamshidi Doukoshkan remains in custody at Albany Regional Prison and is set to face the Perth Magistrates Court for his alleged role in the violent home invasion. The case highlights the ongoing challenges and consequences of immigration detainee release and the importance of addressing issues surrounding detainee supervision and public safety.