Nuclear Explosion at United Nuclear Corporation Plant in Wood River Junction Shook Rhode Island and Claimed a Life

Wood River Junction, Rhode Island, a village known for its tranquility, was once the site of a significant nuclear incident that took place six decades ago. The village, home to a substantial turf farm and a network of hiking trails, has a darker history tied to the United Nuclear Corporation.

In the early 1960s, the United Nuclear Corporation established a multi-million-dollar facility in Wood River Junction, Rhode Island, heralded as a momentous event for the state’s economy and future. The company specialized in processing uranium scraps to recover enriched uranium, a potentially hazardous process that required precise labeling and procedures to ensure safety.

Tragically, in July 1964, a criticality accident occurred at the facility when a worker, Robert Peabody, inadvertently poured a highly radioactive solution into a tank, triggering a nuclear chain reaction. The incident resulted in a devastating explosion, leaving Peabody exposed to a lethal dose of radiation that ultimately claimed his life.

Following the accident, the United Nuclear Corporation faced extensive cleanup efforts and regulatory scrutiny. The facility was temporarily closed for remediation, but eventually received approval to resume operations after addressing compliance issues identified by regulatory agencies.

Despite efforts to continue operations, the United Nuclear Corporation plant in Wood River Junction eventually closed in 1981 due to financial challenges, marking the end of its nuclear activities in the area. Today, the site is home to the Francis C. Carter Nature Preserve, a testament to the village’s transformation from a nuclear industry hub to a natural oasis for visitors to enjoy.

The tragic events that unfolded at Wood River Junction serve as a reminder of the risks associated with nuclear technology and the importance of stringent safety measures in such industries. The legacy of the United Nuclear Corporation’s presence in the village lives on through the stories of those affected by the nuclear accident, highlighting the lasting impact of such incidents on communities and individuals.