Murderer Controlling Victims with Lethal “Health Drinks” and Cameras, Court Hears

London, England – A chilling tale of manipulation and murder unfolds as a court in London unravels the sinister plot orchestrated by Steven D’Wit, who poisoned a couple with fentanyl after gaining control over their lives. The court learned that D’Wit went to great lengths, even filming his victims and administering them drugs under the guise of health treatments to further his malicious agenda.

Installing cameras in the couple’s property, D’Wit watched as they fell victim to his deadly scheme, eventually succumbing to the effects of the poisoned “health drinks” he had given them. It was revealed in court that D’Wit had extracted the fatal fentanyl from patches prescribed to his late father, showing premeditation and a callous disregard for human life.

Despite his financial motives, the judge noted that D’Wit’s true intention may have been to exert control over others, as evidenced by his manipulative behavior leading up to the murders. The court highlighted the ultimate power D’Wit sought by deciding the fate of his victims, declaring the act as the epitome of control.

The aftermath of the murders left the couple’s children traumatized, with their son Harry Baxter describing them as mere “dolls in his dollhouse,” victims of D’Wit’s insidious puppeteering. Initially deemed as non-suspicious, the deaths were later revealed to be the result of fentanyl poisoning, shattering any semblance of innocence surrounding the tragedy.

Following thorough investigations, D’Wit was apprehended with incriminating evidence in his possession, including fentanyl patches and other materials linked to the crime. His arrest brought closure to a case that had initially cast suspicion on the couple’s own daughter, highlighting the depth of deception woven by the perpetrator.

The trial serves as a harrowing reminder of the darkness that can lurk behind seemingly ordinary facades, shedding light on the destructive power of manipulation and control. As justice is served and the truth comes to light, the victims are remembered for the lives they led, cut short by a diabolical killer driven by a desire for dominance.