Inmates Rescue Guard from Brutal Attack at Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center

Richland County, S.C. – In November 2023, a violent incident at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center was thwarted by three inmates who came to the aid of a female guard. The incident occurred when Jabriel Jones, 36, allegedly assaulted the guard, prompting the inmates to intervene.

According to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD), Jones refused to return to his cell and managed to get hold of the guard’s taser, attempting to use it on her. It was then reported that Jones pushed the victim, causing her to hit her head on a beam, before the inmates intervened to stop the attack.

Jones, who has a history of violence and was previously accused in a robbery at a local bank in 2011, has been charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. The guard was thankfully rescued from further harm due to the quick actions of the inmates at the detention center.

The brave actions of these inmates serve as a reminder of the risks faced by guards and personnel in detention facilities, and the importance of ensuring their safety. The incident also sheds light on the ongoing challenges and dangers encountered within the criminal justice system.

As the case progresses, it is crucial to recognize and commend the courage of the inmates who intervened to protect the guard. This act of solidarity and heroism exemplifies the potential for positive outcomes even in challenging and high-risk environments, and it underscores the need for continued vigilance and support for those working in such settings.

The Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center and law enforcement authorities continue to investigate the incident to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved. This serves as a reminder of the complex and demanding nature of overseeing and managing correctional facilities, and the ongoing efforts to address safety and security concerns within such environments.