Gun Control Advocate Harris Visits Parkland Shooting Site, Urges Stricter Laws

Fort Lauderdale, Florida – U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is set to visit the site of the tragic Parkland shooting on Saturday to advocate for the strengthening of laws aimed at preventing gun violence and protecting high-risk individuals. This visit will involve engaging with families of the victims and touring Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where the devastating events unfolded in 2018.

During her visit, Harris will urge states to adopt “red flag” laws that empower courts to issue “extreme risk protection orders” to remove firearms from individuals deemed at risk of causing harm to themselves or others. Specifically, she will highlight the importance of utilizing the $750 million available under the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to implement crisis intervention programs in states with existing red flag laws.

Florida is among the six states that have enacted red flag laws following the Parkland shooting. Despite having the law in place, the state has not utilized the federal funding allocated for such programs, according to a White House official. Harris will call on the remaining 29 states without red flag laws to enact them, while also encouraging the 15 states with existing laws to make use of the available federal resources.

The Parkland shooter, a former student of the high school, had a history of mental health issues and ultimately received a life sentence for the tragic events. As part of ongoing efforts to address gun violence, President Joe Biden has prioritized enacting comprehensive gun control measures, including a new assault weapons ban and universal background checks for all firearm sales. However, these proposals face significant challenges in a politically divided Congress.

Advocates of red flag laws emphasize their potential to prevent tragic incidents like the Parkland shooting, while some critics argue that these laws infringe upon individuals’ constitutional rights to bear arms. The ongoing discussion surrounding gun control remains a contentious issue in the United States, with differing perspectives on how best to address the prevalence of firearm-related violence. President Biden’s administration continues to push for legislative action to address this critical issue, with Vice President Harris leading the charge on advocating for stronger gun laws nationwide.