Explosion Mystery: Court Docs Shed Light on Eastway Tank Disaster but Questions Remain

Ottawa, Canada – New details revealing the potential cause of a tragic explosion and fire at Eastway Tank, Pump and Meter over two years ago have surfaced in court documents presented recently. The company and its owner faced charges for violating Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. Justice Mitch Hoffman imposed a record-breaking fine of $850,000 on Eastway and its owner Neil Greene in connection to the deaths of six employees in January 2022.

The incident claimed the lives of Rick Bastien, Etienne Mabiala, Danny Beale, Kayla Ferguson, Russell McLellan, and Matt Kearney, with Tanner Clement sustaining severe injuries. The court documents shed light on the events of that fateful day, although the cause of the ignition of flammable vapors remains unknown.

According to the court documents, workers were conducting a routine “wet test” in the fabrication shop on a new tanker truck when flammable vapors near one of the trucks ignited and exploded. The subsequent larger explosion led to the deaths of five employees, with two others sustaining injuries. Firefighters arrived on the scene within minutes, but it took hours to bring the raging fire under control.

An investigation by the Office of the Fire Marshal revealed that gasoline vapors had accumulated in or near the tanker compartment due to contaminated diesel fuel used in the test. The ignition of these vapors resulted in the tragic explosion. The court documents detailed how contaminated fuel was unknowingly introduced into the fabrication shop, leading to the catastrophic event.

Industry experts emphasized the importance of strictly adhering to safety protocols in hazardous environments like Eastway’s. Mistakes in handling flammable materials, such as mixing diesel and gasoline, can have devastating consequences. Workers must remain vigilant and follow procedures to prevent accidents and tragedies like the one that occurred at Eastway.

While authorities continue to investigate the exact triggers of the explosion, it is evident that lapses in safety protocols and human error likely played a significant role. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of stringent safety measures in industrial settings to prevent similar disasters in the future.

The tragic events at Eastway Tank highlight the need for continued vigilance and adherence to safety regulations in workplaces where the handling of hazardous materials is routine. The lessons learned from this devastating incident can inform better practices and prevent future tragedies in similar workplaces.