Explosion at Crescent Township Home: Unregistered Gas Wells Found Near Site of Tragic Incident

Crescent Township, Pennsylvania – A tragic house explosion in Crescent Township, Pennsylvania claimed the lives of an elderly couple, David L. Mitchell Jr., 89, and his wife, Helen Mitchell, 87, on Tuesday morning. The explosion, which occurred just before 9 a.m., left the couple’s home in ruins and shocked the quiet northwest Pittsburgh suburbs.

The Department of Environmental Protection reported that unregistered gas wells were found near the explosion site, raising concerns about potential safety hazards in the area. While the nearest registered oil or gas wells were over 2,500 feet away from the incident site, the presence of unregistered historic wells in closer proximity to the home has prompted further investigation.

Local news outlets like WPXI and WTAE have highlighted the lack of awareness regarding a private well at the home, which did not show up on online DEP records and maps. This oversight suggests that the agency may not have been aware of its existence, further underscoring the need for increased oversight and monitoring of oil and gas wells in the region.

In response to the tragic event, the DEP announced that they are collaborating with the Allegheny County Fire Marshal to inspect oil and gas wells in Crescent Township to ensure the safety of residents. This incident comes just a year after a deadly explosion in Plum Borough, located 25 miles away, which claimed the lives of six people and destroyed multiple homes in the area.

Authorities are working diligently to determine the cause of the explosion and to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. The local community has been left reeling from the loss of the Mitchell couple, as they come to terms with the devastating impact of the explosion on their quiet neighborhood. As investigations continue, residents are being urged to remain vigilant and report any concerns about potential safety hazards in the area.