Exploitative Bogus Schools Lure Indian Families to Canada: Verma Exposes Tragic Consequences

Montreal, Canada – India’s envoy to Ottawa is calling for a rebranding of Canada as a welcoming destination for international students, highlighting concerns of exploitation and tragic consequences faced by Indian students in the country. High Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma emphasized the need to address the exploitation that some students fall victim to, tarnishing the reputation of Canadian educational institutions.

Verma’s remarks come amidst mounting scrutiny of Canada’s international student program, which has seen a significant increase in study permits in recent years. The federal government responded by implementing a two-year cap on foreign student admissions, aiming to regulate the influx of international students in the country.

Last year, Canada hosted more than one million international students, with India being the top source of these students. However, Verma raised alarm over the presence of fraudulent schools that have deceived Indian families, resulting in tragic outcomes for some students. The exploitation has led to heartbreaking incidents that have deeply impacted families and communities in India.

The financial burden placed on many international students, who often come from disadvantaged backgrounds, has been a growing concern. Desperate students resort to working full-time jobs to support themselves, while others struggle to meet their financial obligations, causing anxiety and uncertainty about their future in Canada.

Verma revealed the heartbreaking reality of Indian students who risk their lives and futures for a chance at a better education in Canada. He stressed the importance of transparency and accurate information for parents, who hold a significant influence over their children’s decisions to study abroad.

In response to the challenges faced by Indian students in Canada, Verma encouraged them to share their experiences on social media, shedding light on the real struggles and victories they encounter. By showcasing the resilience and determination of these students, they hope to provide a more balanced perspective for both prospective students and their families in India.

The ambassador’s call to restore Canada’s reputation as a premier education destination serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address the issues plaguing the international student program. As stakeholders work towards rebuilding trust and credibility, the focus remains on ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all students seeking educational opportunities in Canada.