Drug Dealer Sentenced to 135 Months in Prison for Overdose Death in Savage, MN

SAVAGE, Minnesota – A man from Woodbury has been sentenced to 135 months in prison for third-degree murder in the overdose death of a Savage man. The guilty plea was entered earlier this year for the death of Tino Andre Jones Jr., 34, in Dec. 22, making this a significant case in holding a drug dealer responsible for their actions.

Scott County Attorney Ron Hocevar credited the Savage Police Department, the Dakota County Drug Task Force, and the county attorney’s office for their work in securing the conviction. He noted that murder convictions are challenging to obtain in drug overdose cases, making this resolution an important milestone in the justice system.

The case began when a 33-year-old man was found dead in a Savage home on August 5, 2020. The victim’s mother discovered the body and called 911, but unfortunately, the life-saving efforts were unsuccessful. A discovery of text messages on the victim’s phone led investigators to a phone number linked to Jones, the individual later identified as the supplier of the drugs.

In a meticulous investigation, law enforcement traced the drugs involved in the overdose back to the defendant, securing critical evidence through surveillance, phone records, search warrants, and data interpretation. The victim’s phone revealed conversations about purchasing pills and their delivery, as well as a message indicating the supplier’s imminent arrival just minutes before the death.

Subsequent investigations revealed that Jones’ phone was in close proximity to the victim’s home at the time of the overdose and further uncovered evidence of drug-related activities at his residence. Forensic examination of the victim’s body confirmed a cause of death resulting from a mixed toxicity from a drug overdose. This case is a testament to the dedication of law enforcement in pursuing justice for victims of drug-related crimes.