Deputy Fired After Shooting Unarmed Black Airman Six Times in Florida Incident

Crestview, Florida – A Florida deputy has been terminated from his position at the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office following the fatal shooting of Roger Fortson, a Black U.S. Air Force airman. Deputy Eddie Duran discharged his weapon at Fortson, who was 23 years old, a total of six times on May 3. The incident was captured on body camera footage, revealing Duran shooting Fortson shortly after the airman opened his apartment door.

An internal investigation conducted by the sheriff’s office determined that Duran’s use of deadly force was not justifiable and violated agency policy. Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden expressed his regret over the incident, stating that the objective facts did not support the need for deadly force in response to Fortson’s actions. Additionally, it was confirmed that Fortson had not committed any crimes and was an outstanding airman and individual.

The sheriff’s office has emphasized that the internal administrative investigation is separate from the ongoing criminal investigation being carried out by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Fortson, who was alone at his residence, was in possession of his legally owned firearm at the time of the shooting.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, representing Fortson’s family, shared that Fortson had grabbed his weapon after being unable to identify the individual at his door. Duran had originally responded to a call regarding a domestic disturbance, although family members assert that he had gone to the incorrect apartment.

Authorities stated that officers are permitted to use force that is objectively reasonable to perform their duties, with deadly force only being justifiable when defending human life. Duran had encountered an apartment complex employee who directed him to Unit 1401, believing it to be the location of the disturbance. When Fortson opened the door, his firearm was pointed towards the ground, with no physical resistance exhibited towards Duran.

The investigation concluded that Fortson had not pointed the gun in Duran’s direction, contradicting initial reports. The circumstances leading to the tragic shooting of Roger Fortson by Deputy Eddie Duran continue to be scrutinized as more details surface.