Attack by Dogs Leaves Real Estate Agent Severely Injured in Western Australia’s Broome

Broome, Western Australia – A real estate agent in Broome, Western Australia, is recovering from severe leg injuries after being attacked by two dogs during a property visit. Tony Hutchinson was left unable to walk and is now in a wheelchair following what he described as an “extremely traumatic” incident.

Hutchinson encountered the dogs, which he likened to pitbulls or American staffies, while visiting the property at the owner’s request. He was not informed that there were three dogs on the premises, nor were there any warning signs. The attack left him with seven wounds on his legs, with the dogs inflicting significant damage.

During the attack, Hutchinson feared for his life as one dog latched onto his leg while another attacked him, with a third dog standing nearby. Fortunately, a colleague created a diversion that allowed Hutchinson to escape the harrowing ordeal. Being on the bonnet of his car bleeding profusely, Hutchinson recognized that he might have been killed if he had not managed to get off the ground.

Neighbors in the area reported that the same dogs had previously bitten another man on the hand and attacked a dog. Consequently, there is growing concern that a more severe incident involving a child could occur if actions are not taken. The Shire of Broome is currently investigating the incident to prevent any such attacks from happening again.

Reflecting on his 38 years as a real estate agent visiting properties in Broome, Hutchinson expressed that he had never encountered such a dangerous situation with dogs before. He emphasized the importance of dog owners being responsible for their pets, highlighting that dogs can behave unpredictably, especially towards strangers.

In conclusion, Hutchinson’s ordeal serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that dog attacks can pose. It underscores the importance of responsible pet ownership and ensuring that proper precautions are taken to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. The investigation by the Shire of Broome aims to hold the owners of the dogs accountable and prevent further attacks in the community.