Arson Target: Vancouver Synagogue Doors Set Ablaze in Antisemitic Attack

Vancouver, British Columbia – A disturbing incident unfolded at the Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Oak Street, leaving members of the Jewish community shaken. After services around 9:20 p.m. on Thursday, a passerby alerted synagogue-goers to a fire that had been set on the front doors of the building.

According to Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt, the fire was ignited by an individual who poured fuel on the front doors. The Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver condemned the incident as an arson attack, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau denouncing it as a “disgusting act of antisemitism.”

Vancouver police are treating the case as an act of arson and a possible hate crime, mobilizing additional officers to protect Jewish community centers, schools, and religious institutions in the area. The damage to the synagogue was minimal, with no injuries reported. However, the attack has left a strong smell of burning lingering inside the building.

Rosenblatt expressed relief that the flames were extinguished before causing significant damage and remarked on the brazenness of the perpetrator’s actions. He highlighted the need to address the growing concerns about the treatment of Jewish people in Canada, drawing parallels to historical incidents of antisemitism.

The incident at the Schara Tzedeck synagogue is part of a troubling trend of antisemitic attacks in Canada. Recent incidents, including bullet holes found in Jewish schools in Montreal and Toronto, have raised alarm within the community. Liberal MP Anthony Housefather called for concrete actions to address the rise in violence targeting Jewish gathering places, urging all levels of government to take immediate steps to ensure safety and security.

As authorities continue their investigation into the arson attack, community leaders are working to reassure and support members of the Jewish community. The outpouring of condemnation and calls for action reflect a collective push to confront and combat acts of hate and violence. The need to stand united against intolerance and discrimination remains a critical priority in the face of such distressing events.