Violent Mum-of-Two Stamps on Woman’s Face After Drinking Binge

In Livingston, Scotland, a brutal incident unfolded as a mother of two, Nicole Burnham, viciously attacked another woman, Susan Whyte, following an all-day drinking binge. Burnham repeatedly punched, kicked, and ultimately stamped on Whyte’s face, leaving her with permanent scarring from bite marks. The victim also disclosed suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to the attack, leading her to sell her home at a loss and move away, impacting her family relationships.

During a court hearing at Livingston Sheriff Court, Burnham, who had previously assaulted three other females on the same day, pleaded guilty to carrying out multiple violent attacks. The assaults occurred in Tulloch Lane, Livingston, on February 20, 2023. Burnham admitted to attacking Jennifer Robertson, pinning her to the ground, punching, scratching, and biting her, along with assaulting Natalie Ritchie and Georgia Elliot.

Ruaridh Allison, the fiscal depute, detailed how the violence escalated at Miss Robertson’s home after a neighbor, Natalie Ritchie, intervened in a disturbance involving children. Burnham engaged in physical altercations with Robertson and Ritchie, inflicting injuries through scratching and biting. The situation further escalated when Susan Whyte tried to intervene, prompting Burnham to turn her aggression towards Whyte. The chaotic scene drew in Georgia Elliot, leading to additional injuries and the involvement of law enforcement.

Subsequently, Burnham expressed remorse at the police station, stating, “I’m so sorry.” Sheriff Jane Farquharson acknowledged the severity of Burnham’s actions, emphasizing the presence of her young children during the violent outbursts. Despite crossing the custody threshold, Burham was spared jail time to prevent disruptions to her children’s lives. Instead, she was sentenced to 24 months of supervision under a community payback order and ordered to compensate each victim with £250 within a year. This outcome aimed to address Burnham’s drinking habits and curb her tendency towards violence.