Violent Clash Erupts as Italy and Albania Fans Face Off at Euro 2024

Berlin, Germany – Violence erupted in both Dortmund and Berlin as tensions escalated between Italy and Albania during their clash at Euro 2024. The game, which was viewed as high-risk by authorities, saw some violent moments despite the majority of fans participating peacefully.

The clash between the neighboring countries from across the Adriatic Sea led to a confrontational situation that German authorities had anticipated. While most fans interacted without incident, a group of around 100 Albanian ultras dressed in black instigated an attack on Italian fans near a fast-food restaurant in Dortmund. This incident caught the attention of riot police, who intervened swiftly to control the situation.

According to eyewitnesses, the outbreak of violence was sudden and unexpected. The festive atmosphere turned chaotic when the ultras initiated the altercation, prompting the rapid response of law enforcement to contain the aggressors.

Footage of the Albanian ultras’ behavior surfaced on a Czech website known for glorifying hooliganism, further highlighting the unsavory incidents that marred the Euro 2024 match between Italy and Albania. Despite the security measures in place, disorder was not limited to Dortmund alone.

In Berlin, a serious injury occurred when a shot was fired while fans were watching the match. Authorities in the district of Moabit launched a search for the individual responsible for the violence, adding to the alarming turn of events surrounding the football match.

Italy managed to overcome the early adversity on the field, rallying to secure a 2-1 victory against Albania. The defending champions commenced their Euros campaign with a win despite the off-field disturbances that overshadowed the sporting event.

Overall, the clash between Italy and Albania at Euro 2024 showcased a mix of spirited fan support and unfortunate incidents of violence, underscoring the challenges of ensuring safety and security in high-profile football matches. Authorities faced the difficult task of balancing the excitement of the game with the need to prevent clashes between rival supporters, highlighting the ongoing issues related to fan behavior in the context of international tournaments.