Violent Brawl Near Hazelwood East High School Sparks Urgent Call for Action

Hazelwood, Missouri – A young girl’s critical condition following a violent altercation near Hazelwood East High School has sparked calls for action in the community. Footage of the incident involving teenagers has circulated widely on social media, prompting concerns about the safety of students in the area.

The founder of UnGUN Institute, Dr. Marty K. Casey, expressed deep concern after witnessing the disturbing video of the fight. Dr. Casey emphasized the impact of such violence on students, parents, and administrators, highlighting the fear and sense of insecurity that can permeate a community in the aftermath of such events.

The video footage, along with ring doorbell recordings, captured the brutal nature of the attack, showing a girl being repeatedly slammed into the concrete. As a result of the incident, the victim is currently in critical condition, with a 15-year-old held on assault charges by family court.

Dr. Casey’s organization actively works with schools in the St. Louis area, providing training sessions for teachers and students on addressing various forms of violence, including bullying, suicide, domestic violence, and gun violence. She emphasized the importance of community engagement and support in addressing the root causes of violence.

In light of recent events, Dr. Casey called for accountability from all stakeholders, including students, parents, and school administrators. She emphasized the need to address issues of violence proactively rather than waiting for them to escalate to a critical point.

With the hope of fostering dialogue and healing in the community, Dr. Casey announced a upcoming community conversation at Walnut Park Church, sponsored by the UnGUN Institute and Walnut Park Community Outreach, Inc. The initiative aims to provide a platform for individuals to address trauma and explore coping mechanisms.

Amidst calls for justice, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey advocated for trying the 15-year-old as an adult, while St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell emphasized the need for compassion towards the victim and their recovery. The decision on how to proceed with the case lies with juvenile court officials, who will assess the need for further legal action.

The Hazelwood School District issued a statement expressing condolences to all parties involved in the incident, acknowledging the gravity of such events and reaffirming their commitment to addressing issues of bullying and violence within the community. The district pledged to provide additional support to those affected and emphasized the importance of collaboration with the community to ensure the well-being of all students.