Security-minded Churchgoers Undergo ‘Warrior Training’ to Combat increasing Attacks in Houses of Worship

Boise, Idaho – As violent attacks on houses of worship continue to rise across the nation, churchgoers are taking new measures to ensure their safety. Sheepdog Church Security, a company founded by Kris Moloney in 2014, offers ‘warrior training’ to volunteer safety and security teams in churches. Contrary to the traditional image of churches as open and welcoming, many are now arming themselves to protect against potential threats while still keeping faith at the center of their communities.

With a background in the military and law enforcement, Moloney saw the need for increased security in houses of worship and founded his company to address this growing concern. Over the years, he has trained over 6,000 churchgoers in safety and security measures. The surge in church attacks has led to a booming protection industry, with more parishioners signing up for Moloney’s training to safeguard their places of worship.

The program provided by Sheepdog Church Security emphasizes a hands-on approach to managing emergency situations, from de-escalating disruptive behavior to handling bomb threats and active shooter incidents. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, the training aims to equip volunteers with the necessary skills to respond effectively to various emergencies that may arise in a church setting.

In response to the increasing threats faced by religious institutions, churches are implementing security training for pastors and congregants nationwide. From active shooter drills to security conferences, churches are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of their members. In Tennessee, one church even held active shooter training for pastors, highlighting the importance of preparedness in today’s uncertain times.

While some congregations may resist the idea of security teams, consultants like Moloney offer guidance on best practices adapted to the unique needs of churches. By emphasizing the importance of preparedness and providing practical training, Moloney and other security experts are helping churches across the country navigate the evolving landscape of religious security.

As the number of violent attacks on houses of worship continues to rise, the need for enhanced security measures has become increasingly apparent. With the rise in church attacks, the importance of safety and security in religious institutions has never been more critical. By combining faith with practical security measures, churches are striving to protect their congregations while maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.