Iraqi Oil Workers Protest Violent Crackdown by Security Forces

Baghdad, Iraq – Workers in Iraq have faced severe injuries and arrests as protests escalate against the security forces’ use of rubber bullets and electric batons. IndustriALL affiliates, including the General Federation of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Unions in Iraq, are condemning the aggressive actions taken by security forces on the protesters, demanding immediate release of those detained.

The protests, which began on May 26, were initiated by contract workers at the South Refineries Company, a part of the Ministry of Oil in Iraq, who are seeking permanent job positions after years of temporary employment. Despite facing arrests and forceful dispersal, the workers have continued to demonstrate for their right to fair employment treatment.

The unions have expressed dissatisfaction with the violent interventions and are urging the government to address the workers’ demands promptly. Complaining to the head of the governorate council, they are pushing for a resolution to the ongoing employment status dilemma that has created a tense atmosphere within the company.

President of GFOGPUI, Hassan Jumaa, emphasized the importance of peaceful protests in light of workers’ just demands, condemning the security forces’ violent tactics. Abdelkareem Abdelsada, president of the General Union of Energy in Iraq, echoed those sentiments, calling for the protection of protesters and the release of those who were arrested.

Shaker Barad, president of the General Union of Oil Workers, placed responsibility on the General Management of the company for the tension, highlighting the failure to meet contractual obligations. IndustriALL general secretary, Atle Høie, condemned the attacks on workers as unjustified and called for accountability for those responsible. The demand for workers’ rights to peaceful protest is being reinforced, emphasizing the need for social dialogue over violence.