Heatwave claims over 900 lives as pilgrims return from Hajj 2024 in scorching conditions

Abuja, Nigeria – Pilgrims returning home after the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage faced extreme heat, with many struggling to cope with the conditions. The journey, a once-in-a-lifetime experience for financially and physically capable Muslims, officially ended on Wednesday. However, tragedy marred this year’s pilgrimage as over 900 pilgrims from various nationalities lost their lives, mostly due to heat-related causes.

One Nigerian student, Aisha Dada, recounted her harrowing experience of nearly losing consciousness before making it back to her tent. While Aisha did not witness any deaths personally, she described seeing many individuals collapsing on the road during the Hajj. She emphasized the need for elderly pilgrims to have personal guardians to ensure their safety.

Despite warnings from the Saudi Health Ministry to avoid heat exposure and stay hydrated, many pilgrims succumbed to heat-related illnesses like heat stress and heatstroke. The scorching temperatures, reaching as high as 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 F) in the shade, played a significant role in the high death toll.

Delays in transportation, overcrowded tents, and inadequate cooling and sanitation facilities also contributed to the challenges faced by pilgrims. Reports indicate that some pilgrims did not receive adequate medical attention, with ambulances and first aid not readily available for those experiencing heat-related issues.

Ibrahim, another Nigerian pilgrim, shared his experience of witnessing multiple people, including youths, fainting during the pilgrimage. He highlighted the disorientation and challenges faced by pilgrims in unfamiliar surroundings, with some collapsing due to heat exhaustion.

The head of the Nigeria National Medical Team for the 2024 Hajj detailed the medical conditions treated among Nigerian pilgrims, including pregnancy-related issues, conjunctivitis, and diarrhea. While the medical team was prepared to provide care, several deaths occurred within the Nigerian group, with concerns that the figures could rise.

As authorities continue to investigate the excess deaths and challenges faced during the Hajj, many countries are still accounting for their deceased and searching for missing family members. Despite the harsh conditions and tough experiences, many pilgrims, like Ibrahim, remain committed to returning in the future to fulfill their spiritual journey.