Gas Leak Causes Massive Explosion in Syracuse Home, Injuring 13

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – A devastating explosion ripped through a house on 205 Carbon St. in Syracuse, resulting in 13 individuals being injured and 12 hospitalized. Over 60 fire personnel responded to the scene on that fateful Tuesday afternoon.

Fire officials and investigators later revealed that the explosion was caused by a gas leak from an open pipe in the basement, where a dryer should have been connected. The blast left behind a scene of utter destruction, with collapsed ceilings and caved-in floors.

The owner of the property, who was renting it out to one of the affected families, had detected a gas odor earlier that morning around 9 a.m. However, neither National Grid nor the police were informed about the issue, which ultimately led to the explosion.

According to fire investigators, the property owner had been unaware of any appliance being connected to the gas pipe during the four years of owning the home. While the investigation is ongoing, there are currently no criminal charges under consideration.

Syracuse’s fire chief, Michael Monds, confirmed that three children, aged 8 months, 2, and 3, are still in critical condition, while the other victims are in stable condition. Mayor Ben Walsh expressed well wishes to the affected family members as they continue to recover.

In the aftermath of this tragic incident, the fire department emphasized the importance of promptly reporting any concerns about gas leaks in residential properties to emergency services or utility companies for immediate intervention.