Fatality: Benton County Storms Claim Fourth Victim in Tragic Wake

BENTON COUNTY, Ark. – Deadly storms swept through Benton County on May 26, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of four individuals, according to county officials. Among the casualties was a 61-year-old woman whose body was discovered in Little Sugar Creek two days after the severe weather hit the area.

Daniel Oxford, the coroner of Benton County, confirmed the woman’s death was a direct result of the turbulent weather that plagued the region. Tragically, she voluntarily entered the water east of Highway 72. Her demise now adds to the grim tally of fatalities caused by the tornadoes and storms that ravaged Benton County that fateful Sunday.

The toll includes a woman who perished due to a power outage affecting her oxygen device, an 80-year-old named Linda Dorey who lost her life when her home in Monte Ne was struck by a falling tree, and Christopher Jaglin, 59, who tragically passed away while kayaking on Sugar Creek that morning. Additionally, an initial storm-related death attributed to a heart attack has since been removed from the official count.

The community of Benton County is reeling from the aftermath of these devastating storms, as families mourn the loss of their loved ones. As recovery efforts continue in the region, authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant and prioritize safety measures during severe weather events to prevent further tragedies.

The recent fatalities serve as a sobering reminder of the destructive power of natural disasters and the importance of preparedness and resilience in the face of such calamities. The impact of these storms on the affected families and communities is profound, highlighting the need for ongoing support and assistance in their recovery journey.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of the storms and the lives lost, local officials and emergency response teams are working tirelessly to provide aid and resources to those in need. The resilience and unity displayed by the people of Benton County in the wake of this tragedy demonstrate the strength and compassion that binds this community together in times of crisis.