Explosion Probe in Clinton Township to Commence Week of March 11

Clinton Township, Michigan – An investigation is set to begin the week of March 11 following a devastating fire that destroyed a pot distribution facility on March 5, 2024. The facility was left in ruins after a massive fire and multiple explosions occurred the night before.

Authorities in Clinton Township are working diligently to clean up the site and gather information about the cause of the fire and explosions that rocked the area of 15 Mile and Groesbeck. The cleanup efforts are still ongoing as parts of the site continue to smolder.

Clinton Township Fire Marshall Chuck Champagne expressed the hope that the investigation could commence sometime in the upcoming week. He emphasized the importance of understanding what led to the destructive event and holding any responsible parties accountable.

The aftermath of the explosion has left debris scattered nearly two miles from the site, posing a significant risk due to the presence of metal canisters that could still explode. Officials have issued warnings urging the public to stay away from the hazardous debris and refrain from taking any items as souvenirs.

Emergency Management Coordinator Paul Brouwer highlighted the challenge of dealing with the structural steel that hampers their ability to conduct a thorough investigation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also been involved in assessing the area and collecting potentially contaminated materials.

As the investigation progresses, questions remain about the origin of the hazardous materials inside the facility and the extent of the damages caused by the fire and explosions. Authorities assure that all information will be disclosed once the investigation is complete.

Clinton Township Police Chief Tim Duncan reiterated the commitment to uncovering the truth behind the incident and holding accountable those responsible. At this point, no charges have been filed as the investigation continues to unfold in Clinton Township.