Eliminate: Christchurch Call in Legal Battle with X over Violent Material

Christchurch, New Zealand – After a harrowing terrorist attack shocked New Zealand in March 2019, former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern took a stand against the spread of violent and extremist content online. Ardern’s initiative, the Christchurch Call, has now engaged with the Australian government in a legal battle involving the social media platform X, previously known as Twitter.

The legal dispute arose over the sharing of footage of an alleged terrorist attack in Sydney on the platform, prompting Australia’s eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, to issue a takedown order. While X complied with geoblocking the material in Australia, the platform objected to removing the videos globally. However, with the concern that Australians could still access the contentious material through VPNs, the demand for worldwide removal persists.

This incident marked the latest challenge in the ongoing efforts to eliminate terrorist and violent content online, following the tragic Christchurch mosque attacks where a gunman streamed the massacre live, leading to widespread circulation of the footage. The Christchurch Call, a global coalition formed in response to the attacks, continues its mission to address the dissemination of such harmful material on social media platforms.

Since its inception, the Christchurch Call has garnered support from over 50 countries, including major tech companies like Meta, Google, and Microsoft, all committed to preventing the upload and dissemination of terrorist content online. However, recent changes within Twitter, now known as X under Elon Musk’s leadership, have raised concerns about the company’s adherence to these commitments.

As the legal battle between Australian authorities and X unfolds, the case serves as a test for e-safety legislation worldwide, highlighting the importance of cooperation between tech companies and regulators in addressing online extremism. While platforms like Meta have demonstrated willingness to comply with removal notices, uncertainties surround X’s response, underscoring the evolving landscape of online content moderation and regulation. In an era where the internet plays a pivotal role in shaping public discourse, the need to combat the spread of violent and extremist material remains an ongoing global challenge.