Commander Biden Biting Video Destroyed by Secret Service Sparking Controversy in White House

Washington, D.C. – The Secret Service recently revealed that a video capturing an attack by President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, on one of its agents has been destroyed. The incident, which occurred in the White House’s East Wing Kennedy Garden, led to the suspension of tours as blood had to be cleaned off the floors.

The video was mentioned in an email detailing a biting incident on June 15, 2023. The email described Commander running at high speed and biting the agent, causing a serious injury that required stitches. Due to Secret Service retention standards, the video has since been destroyed, according to Freedom of Information Act Officer Kevin Tyrrell.

This is not the first incident involving Commander’s aggressive behavior. The German Shepherd has been involved in numerous attacks, prompting concerns about the safety of White House staff and visitors. Efforts to document these incidents have been made, with the Secret Service compiling a list of attacks and creating a spreadsheet detailing where and when each attack occurred.

In response to the growing number of biting incidents, the White House eventually decided to remove Commander from the premises. The dog, given as a birthday gift to the Bidens, had become a liability due to its unpredictable and dangerous behavior. The decision to rehome Commander came after their previous dog, Major, was also removed for similar reasons.

The series of attacks by Commander raised questions about the handling and supervision of the presidential pets. The Secret Service had warned its staff about the risks posed by the unrestrained dog, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and quick action to prevent further incidents. Despite these precautions, the dog’s behavior remained unpredictable, leading to multiple injuries and disruptions within the White House.

As the public became aware of the repeated attacks by Commander, concerns were raised about the safety of those working in close proximity to the President. The decision to remove the dog was seen as a necessary step to prevent future injuries and maintain a secure environment within the White House.

The incident involving Commander highlights the challenges of caring for and managing pets in high-security environments. The removal of the dog serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and security, even when it comes to beloved family pets.