Brand-Building Platform Expert Discusses Touchpoint Explosion and Future of Design Strategy

In New York City, design and branding are evolving rapidly, leaving many to wonder what the future holds. With the rise of new technology and the increasing number of touchpoints for brands to engage with their audience, the industry is facing a revolution. Hugo Timm, a senior creative director at a brand-building platform, Frontify, sheds light on this “touchpoint explosion” and its impact on the design industry.

The touchpoint explosion refers to the myriad channels, platforms, and mediums brands must utilize to create content and connect with their audience. In the past, design studios primarily focused on print-based deliverables like billboards and flyers. However, the digital age brought about a shift towards online platforms and mobile devices, changing the way brands interact with consumers.

According to Hugo, managing the growing number of touchpoints and developing tailored content for each channel has become increasingly complex for creative studios and brand teams. The need for a specific strategy for each platform, along with the added complexity of integrating AI technology, has left many designers feeling overwhelmed.

To address these challenges, brand-building platforms offer a centralized hub for organizing brand assets, guidelines, and creative workflows. These tools aim to streamline the process of producing content across various channels, allowing teams to collaborate more efficiently without traditional approval rounds.

Hugo emphasizes the importance of internal alignment on a brand’s spirit and meaningful storytelling, rather than just visual consistency. He believes that breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across departments are key to creating brands that consistently surprise and resonate with their audience.

While AI may offer some solutions to streamline processes, Hugo urges caution and emphasizes the need for deeper exploration of its implications for the industry. Despite the uncertainties, he remains optimistic about the future of branding, envisioning a shift towards more honest, collaborative brands that prioritize the essence of their brand story.

In navigating the touchpoint explosion, Hugo’s insights serve as a valuable reminder of the importance of adaptability, cross-functional collaboration, and focusing on the core goals of brand storytelling. By engaging in big-picture discussions and aligning teams towards a common vision, brands can navigate the evolving landscape of design and branding successfully.