Book Sales Soar for O.J. Simpson’s ‘If I Did It’ After Death

Las Vegas, NV – The sales of O.J. Simpson’s controversial book “If I Did It” have seen a significant surge following the death of the infamous former football star. The book has unexpectedly climbed to the top of the charts in the wake of Simpson’s passing at the age of 76, as confirmed by the Simpson family who announced the news a day after his demise. This tragic event has reignited public interest in the 1994 double murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

In a surprising turn of events, “If I Did It” now holds the number 1, 2, and 4 spots in the Criminology section on, with various versions of the book topping the charts. Adding to its success, the book currently ranks at number 8 in the Murder/True Crime section, captivating readers with its controversial content.

The book, originally penned by O.J. Simpson and ghostwriter Pablo Fenjves, presents a fictional scenario of how Simpson could have committed the murders if he were the actual perpetrator. Despite facing widespread outrage upon the announcement of the book deal, which many perceived as further victimization of the victims’ families, the book has now found a surge in popularity and sales.

The intense backlash led publisher ReganBooks to cancel the project, eventually allowing the Goldman family to acquire the book rights. The Goldmans then renamed the book to “If I Did It: Confession Of The Killer” before releasing it in September 2007 to critical acclaim and controversy.

For years, a portion of the book sales has been designated to Fred and Kim Goldman, although a significant portion of the $33 million civil judgment against Simpson remains unpaid. Nevertheless, the recent spike in sales suggests that the Goldmans may receive a substantial sum in royalties, potentially providing some solace amidst the ongoing legal battles.

As interest in the book continues to grow, it serves as a reminder of the enduring fascination with the high-profile case and its central figure, O.J. Simpson. The renewed public attention showcases the complexities of justice, celebrity, and tragedy intertwined in this gripping saga, leaving readers intrigued and captivated by the controversial narrative presented in “If I Did It.”