Ballistics Expert Testifies in Greg Lynn Murder Trial, Raises Questions on Police Investigation

Melbourne, Australia – Jurors in a murder trial in Victoria’s High Country were presented with a dramatic physical demonstration of the firearm that killed one of two campers. Police ballistics specialist Paul Griffiths showcased the features of the deadly 12-gauge Barathrum shotgun, emphasizing key details that shed light on the case.

During the demonstration, Justice Michael Croucher raised concerns about the proximity of the unloaded gun to journalists, ensuring everyone present understood that the weapon was not loaded. The trial centers on Greg Lynn, who is accused of murdering retirees Russell Hill and Carol Clay in March 2020, with Lynn acknowledging a cover-up of their deaths but denying the murder charges.

Defense lawyers argue that the fatal shot was a tragic accident, with Lynn and Hill grappling for control of the weapon, leading to the gun discharging and striking Clay. Senior Constable Griffiths provided critical testimony, highlighting the unique trigger and safety mechanisms of the shotgun, along with the process of readying the firearm for discharge.

Cross-examination revealed that the police expert did not view Lynn’s initial police interview before conducting trajectory testing crucial to the case. The defense team challenged the authenticity of the tests, pointing out discrepancies and suggesting they support Lynn’s version of events. Tensions in court escalated as questions arose about missing documentation related to the experiments.

The ballistic specialist confirmed that the projectile shape recovered at the scene matched those fired from Lynn’s shotgun, providing a compelling link to the crime scene. The trial continues with further examination of evidence and testimony to determine the plausibility of Lynn’s account of the tragic events in the Wonnangatta Valley campsite.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the prosecution and defense will continue to present their cases, seeking to uncover the truth behind the deaths of Hill and Clay. The jury remains attentive, weighing the evidence presented and the testimony given as they strive to reach a just verdict in the high-profile murder trial.