Alleged Poison Seller Kenneth Law Could Have Been Stopped Earlier, Mother Claims in Ontario Investigation

Kenneth Law, a resident of Mississauga, Ontario, faces allegations of supplying toxic substances linked to over 20 deaths, including suicides, sparking a sprawling investigation involving multiple police agencies in Canada and abroad. A mother in northwestern Ontario claims that her daughter’s suicide attempt in April 2022 could have triggered an earlier probe into Law’s activities, potentially saving lives. Despite her concerns and suspicions, the police did not act until Law’s arrest last month.

The mother alleges that she requested an investigation into Kenneth Law after her daughter’s suicide attempt, believing he provided the toxic substance. Law, 57, has been charged with aiding suicide in connection with two deaths in Toronto’s suburbs. His businesses are accused of distributing and marketing potentially lethal substances to individuals at risk of self-harm.

After her daughter’s close call, the mother claims that Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) did not thoroughly investigate until returning to her home last month. Investigators have linked a PayPal payment to Law’s website, providing a crucial piece of evidence in connecting him to the case. Despite the growing number of deaths potentially linked to Law’s products, he denies the allegations against him, which have yet to be tested in court.

The tragic deaths, spanning across Canada and abroad, underline the urgency of the investigation into Law’s operations. Families affected by the suspected connection to Law’s products have raised concerns over the delayed police response. The mother believes that a timely investigation by authorities could have prevented the loss of multiple lives.

Law remains in custody pending a bail hearing as the investigation continues to unfold. The recent revelations surrounding the incidents related to Law’s products emphasize the need for swift and thorough action by law enforcement agencies. The complexity of the case, involving international authorities and numerous deaths, highlights the importance of addressing potential threats promptly to prevent further tragedies.

As details of the investigation unfold, questions arise about the handling of the case and the need for improved protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future. The impact of delayed actions by law enforcement on families affected by the case underscores the significance of proactive measures to address potential risks promptly. The ongoing investigation into Law’s activities sheds light on the challenges faced in tackling cases involving hazardous substances and their implications on public safety.