“Mickey Mouse” Horror Comedy “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” Set to Terrify Viewers as “Steamboat Willie” Enters Public Domain

Los Angeles, CA – Mickey Mouse, the iconic Disney character, is getting a new treatment in an upcoming indie horror comedy film, “Mickey’s Mouse Trap.” This comes as the 1928 Disney short film “Steamboat Willie” has entered the public domain. Directed by Walt Disney, “Steamboat Willie” was the first film to introduce the famous cartoon … Read more

Controversial Trailer Reveals Dark Side of Mickey Mouse in “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” Film

ANAHEIM, California – The much-anticipated trailer for “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” has finally been unveiled, revealing a dark and unexpected twist to the beloved Disney character Mickey Mouse. Released on the day the iconic Steamboat Willie entered the public domain, the horror comedy film takes Mickey into uncharted territory as a masked killer. The trailer opens … Read more